This July, we focused on improving our products to match the needs of the ever-evolving market. Our key update, the Multi-Chart mode in the Match-Trader platform’s Web version, allows traders to display and interact with multiple charts all within a single browser screen. Coupled with the addition of new features like the “Share my trade” […]
FXCubic joins Match-Trader Platform ecosystem
FXCubic, a leading provider of advanced connectivity technology solutions for Forex brokers, has
announced the successful completion of its integration with Match-Trader, a multi-asset trading
platform developed by Match-Trade Technologies.
Match-Trader Platform completes integration to Centroid Bridge
Match-Trader, an award-winning trading platform developed by Match-Trade Technologies, has integrated with Centroid Solution’s Bridge Engine, an institutional-grade connectivity solution, thus expanding its ecosystem of connectivity, order routing and execution functionality available for brokers. Match-Trader is available in two offerings: as a White Label and as a Broker’s Own Server. Clients can choose from a […]
Match-Trade April release: Guest mode in the Match-Trader platform
In April, we introduced a series of improvements to our Match-Trader platform for Brokers, Forex CRM, and other essential solutions to help your brokerage business stay ahead of the competition. Some key updates include introducing a “guest mode” option for the Match-Trader platform, custom Broker footer on the login page, and expanded data management capabilities […]
Match-Trade February release: Redirection to the external CRM within the Match-Trader platform
In February, we introduced changes to our Match-Trader platform, Forex CRM software, and Social Trading Administrative application. Some of the changes include adding redirection to the external CRM within the Match-Trader and improving the import feature in the CRM. Keep reading to find the complete list of changes and how they can benefit your brokerage […]
Match-Trader platform now available in B2Broker’s offer
B2Broker introduced another solution for White Label Brokers to its offer, Match-Trader , an award-winning trading platform.
Another industry recognition for the Match-Trader platform and Match2Pay Crypto Payment Gateway
The winners of the UF AWARDS MEA 2023 have been revealed, and our solutions received three honours!
Match-Trade January release: Improved data management in our Forex CRM
We’ve had a busy start to the new year, working on improving our solutions and introducing essential changes. We have already managed to work on our trading platform Match-Trader, Forex CRM for Brokers, Client Office for Traders, and Match-Trader Manager.
Match-Trade December release: Custom push notifications in the Match-Trader platform
In December, we introduced changes to our Match-Trader platform, CRM for Forex Brokers and Match-Trader Manager.