Progressive technology At first glance, it might seem that investors are not interested in the technology on which the platform is based. It is usually assumed that all platforms should meet market standards of functioning principles. However, in the case of a trading platform like Match-Trader, it is the technology that is responsible for all […]
Forex trading blooms on mobile devices
We often analyze the traffic on our clients’ trading platforms and we came to a conclusion that over ¾ of all trades take place on mobile platforms. This shows an ongoing and rapidly growing trend of choosing mobile devices for daily forex activities. Read the full analysis of the growing trend of forex mobile trading […]
Match-Trader overview – get to know the new trading platform
Match-Trader is a new trading platform recently launched by Match-Trade Technologies the leading technology provider in FX and Crypto market. It’s an all-in-one trading solution offering mobile, web and desktop apps together with embedded Client Office to ensure all of the activities like deposits and withdrawals can be pursued in one place. It’s simple and […]
LeapRate: Match-Trade’s management discusses Forex market and upcoming trends
LeapRate Exclusive… Michael Karczewski, Chief Operating Officer and Christopher Dankowski, Chief Business Development Officer at Match-Trade Technologies, join Leaprate today to talk about how Forex market has changed during last year and what are the upcoming trends. 1. There was a lot of turmoil on the Forex market last year, what do you think has […]