All you need to know to become a Liquidity Provider

Many companies that have been operating in the Forex market for a long time, at some point start considering expanding their business and becoming a Liquidity Provider. Most often they are medium or large currency brokers but also technology providers and experienced business specialists cooperating with large Liquidity Providers. They have either experience or a […]

Join Match-Trade Partnership Program and become a member of the global sales network

Due to the increasing number of cooperation requests from industry professionals, Match-Trade has launched a Partnership Program to expand, its global network of sales representatives. The company wants to attract business specialists and independent consultants from FX and Crypto industry who will develop a sales network and offer Match-Trade’s solutions around the globe. “We provide […]

Michael Karczewski interviewed by Best cTrader Brokers

Why would a broker get a white label from Match-Trade instead of going to Spotware directly? What advantages do you offer? First of all, our cooperation with Spotware was designed to bring a new quality of turnkey White Label solutions. What distinguishes our solution on the market is that it offers the highest quality service and […]

Finance Magnates Report: How cryptocurrency liquidity evolved and where it’s heading?

Michael Karczewski’s expert view on the importance of market making on cryptocurrency exchanges in the Finance Magnates Intelligence Report Q1 2019 “One of our main advantages is that we are able to provide liquidity also on local currency crosses such as BTCAUD, CTCCAD, BTCPLN, which is very often a big challenge for the exchanges to […]

Match-Trade expands its European branch and launches a new website

The growing number of clients seeking optimal solutions for Forex brokerage business requires continuous expansion of the turnkey Forex white label platforms and cryptocurrency solutions for brokers. Match-Trade’s long-term development strategy includes a plan to launch a new product for Forex brokers expanding company’s offer with a new segment of services based on in-house technology. […]

Match-Trade to present the latest product innovations at iFX Expo 2019 in Hong Kong

After several months of intense development and testing Match-Trade Technologies is delighted to introduce a bunch of new functionalities to existing solutions and completely new products in the portfolio including: If you are interested in discussing the advantages of our new features with Match-Trade team please visit booth #39 at iFX Expo in Hong Kong.

Spotware joins forces with Match-Trade Technologies to launch complex cTrader White Label solution

Spotware, a leading company developing trading platforms for brokers partners with Match-Trade Technologies, FX and Crypto technology provider to bring a new quality of turnkey cTrader White Label solutions. The partnership profits from the key advantages of both suppliers, a very stable and reputable cTrader platform and high-tech complementary services for brokers along with technological […]

Role of Market Makers on cryptocurrency exchanges

Although the “market makers” (market making services) have been present for a long time in the world of financial trading (like forex, stocks or futures) only recently they have gained a well-deserved rank. Their importance is irrefutable as they are an integral part of the financial ecosystem bringing structure and flow to the trading activity. […]

How to start accepting Bitcoin deposits in few simple steps

Nowadays, accepting deposits in cryptocurrencies (eg. bitcoin deposits) is a must for every major broker. This trend was already very clear last year. As recent research indicates, the vast majority of brokers offer cryptocurrency trading and wouldn’t want to be deprived of the possibility of receiving deposits in virtual currencies (such as bitcoins and other […]

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