Last year brought significant changes in the financial market, especially for unregulated brokers. For instance, VISA and Mastercard blocked them from using their services. And now, one of the biggest challenges they have to face is to provide their customers with convenient and effective payment methods. Similar precautions were introduced by most reputable banks around […]
Solutions for Brokers
Match-Trade to present the latest product innovations at iFX Expo 2019 in Hong Kong
After several months of intense development and testing Match-Trade Technologies is delighted to introduce a bunch of new functionalities to existing solutions and completely new products in the portfolio including: If you are interested in discussing the advantages of our new features with Match-Trade team please visit booth #39 at iFX Expo in Hong Kong.
How to start accepting Bitcoin deposits in few simple steps
Nowadays, accepting deposits in cryptocurrencies (eg. bitcoin deposits) is a must for every major broker. This trend was already very clear last year. As recent research indicates, the vast majority of brokers offer cryptocurrency trading and wouldn’t want to be deprived of the possibility of receiving deposits in virtual currencies (such as bitcoins and other […]
How to build a scalable and successful Forex brokerage?
Who wouldn’t like to be his own boss? If you’re already successfully operating as an IB (introducing broker) you should consider creating a forex broker startup. Becoming a broker is like building a house – it requires investment but is also more profitable in the long term than renting or working for another broker. There […]
How to choose the optimal White Label solution for brokers?
The decision about starting your own Forex brokerage is not an easy one. Every investor knows there are multiple aspects of running a business that needs to be analyzed before launch. Nowadays, in the tech industry – the most crucial decisions to make are those concerning IT. Where will you host your services, who will […]
New cryptocurrency payment processor gateway available on the market
Match2pay is a new cryptocurrency payment processor gateway lately released by Match-Trade Technologies, Forex and Cryptocurrency technology provider. This turnkey global solution for cryptocurrency payments expands the portfolio of trading solutions for FX Brokers, ECN Venues and Crypto Exchanges. Match2pay allows receiving, storing or exchanging cryptocurrencies. What makes this payment processor top quality is the […]
Match-Trade releases Match2pay, a Payment Processor Gateway to meet the high demand for cryptocurrency payment
The Company is delighted to announce the release of the brand new product – cryptocurrency gateway. In today’s fast developing world, the speed of adaptation to new technologies is crucial to obtain competitive advantages. Accepting cryptocurrency payments seems to be an obvious and necessary solution for all types of businesses, especially FX brokerages. Every FX […]
Match-Trade presents its technology in Leaprate interview
Imran Firoz elaborated on the company and development plans in a featured interview for the Leaprate website. This week LeapRate caught up with Imran Firoz, Managing Director (pictured above) of US-headquartered Match-Trade Technologies, a global Forex brokerage software provider. His early experience in the FX industry was as the Chief Financial Officer of a brokerage firm where […]
Match-Trade to launch ESMA/MIFID II compliance services
Match-Trade Technologies, headquartered in Irvine, California, today announced the launch of new services which will enable brokers to become compliant with European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) and the Markets in Financial Instruments Directive (MIFID II) new regulations and guidelines. The offering will provide dedicated solutions to meet the best execution policy requirements described in […]