Media Presence
Match-Prime Liquidity and Match-Trade Technologies open Dubai Office. This strategic move reflects the companies’ growing engagement and client base in the MENA region.
Match-Trader has integrated with TradingView, the leading charting platform used by over 50 million traders globally, in a move that addresses the needs of top-tier brokers aiming to bridge their back-end technology with a premier charting platform.
Match-Trade adds mobile version of its Forex CRM. Cyprus based trading platform and tech solutions provider Match-Trade Technologies has unveiled a number of enhancements made during the month of November.
Match-Trade Technologies has fully integrated its system with AXIS CRM, a customer relationship management system of Broctagon Fintech Group. Forex brokers using AXIS CRM can now easily access Match-Trade’s crypto payment processor, Match2Pay.
Match-Trade now offers its trading engine to brokers for platform creation. New Match-Trade tech lets brokers develop custom front-ends efficiently.
Match-Trade Technologies partnered with FPFX Technologies, a financial technology provider, marking a significant collaboration in prop trading technology.
Exclusive: Alexis Droussiotis on how he matched the role of Head of Match-Trader platform
Match-Trade hires PrimeXM CIO Alexis Droussiotis as Head of Platform. Alexis Droussiotis spent the past six years at MT4/MT5 solutions provider PrimeXM
Match-Trade Technologies is a global company with offices all around the world
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